Vince Brescia

President & CEO
Ontario Energy Association

Vince is the President and CEO of the Ontario Energy Association. Prior to joining the OEA, Vince was the President of Wyse Meter solutions, a fast growing submetering and utility expense management company. Vince led the company through a period of 600% growth in installed meters. Prior to that Vince was the President and CEO of the Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO) from 2000 to 2013, a non-profit industry association representing rental housing owners and managers across Ontario. During his time at FRPO, Vince’s leadership was instrumental in obtaining property tax reform for rental owners and residential tenants, and in preserving vacancy decontrol/recontrol when a new government considered reinstituting unit-based rent control. Vince served as a director of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation as it made reforms to adopt modern assessment practices.

Previously his career included senior roles with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the Greater Toronto Home Builders Association, LIUNA Local 183, and Clayton Research Associates Ltd. Vince also spent a number of years working at Queen’s Park, with positions in the Ontario Ministries of Finance, Treasury Board, and Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Vince has previously served as Chair of Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. and as a Director for Toronto Hydro Corporation, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations.